Sunday, September 30, 2007


6plus in the morning, still wide awake, 24hrs without Zzzzz and still counting! must be the 2 glasses of teh bing 在作祟!

haven't been doing nothing this whole time, but managed to discover a "shocking" (or rather interesting) attribute of an old friend. 这位XXX竟能在察言观色之中,窥探出一个人心里的想法,至少在我身上是应验的!太恐怖了!just imagine, if only he has the mouth of a certain ting hock hoe + the influence of wendi teoh, how much stories will be stirred up in this world!


Saturday, September 29, 2007

even more craps?!?

very happy end to the day. had high tea with 师傅 BB (being treated some more, what else can i expect. woohoo~). there after have dinner with 师傅 and 美兰老师,2 person whom i have a lot of respect for. what nice way to end off a day out. haha. not forgetting hearing the "trade secrets" for 《当兵》.

as i writing this, cant really believe that i'm actually so bored to be playing food fight on face book! ( OMG! what is happening to me?) assignments are stacking up, den again i'm not a studious person, so let it stack 1st ba, WHACK others in food fight 1st! 

chiong ah! hoot!

Friday, September 28, 2007

more craps?!?

though 好的开始是成功的一半,the day started well by not having any hangover from the previous night's exertion on beers, but the afternoon began to change for the worse. the treat which i had waited for the past 3months is CANCELED! or rather postpone indefinitely. more waiting to come, not another 3months i hope.

晚上就到了实践走走,竟然做了一件难以想象的事。我竟然与一个圆的,叫邓福和的男人在实践的办公室里面对面的,单独的谈了4个钟头!OMG! what am i doing? what am i thinking of? probably this is what is call men's talk? still a bit incredible though, sitting through 4 hrs, just like working in theatre, everything must go in 4hrs block?

seems like everything is getting more and more crappy, but who cares? isn't this suppose to be a crap blog? :-

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The beginning...

i must have been damn bored to really get this blog started, never imagine myself being a blogger. haha. but never say never though.

but still today can be considered as a good start, no hangover from last night's drinking session at holland V. (phew~) somehow did manage to get up at 8plus in the morning after last night's exhaustion, must be the biological clock 在作怪.

long day ahead, but at least good food to look forward to at night. finally getting the treat from Xiao Rong for my involvement in 《小白船》,albeit after 3months of waiting. yeah!