Monday, October 29, 2007

i'm back...

after 1 month of break, finally back into theatre again (to be precise, TNS black box). woohoo~ feels great to be breathing the air inside a theatre again, though as always, it's stale, but it's the special feeling inside it that makes coming back into theatre great!

though this show (TNS's Good People) wasn't having a generic setup, more of installation works, rather than the standard rigging. (must be a joyah problem, haven't done a show with her this year that doesn't require additional installation works!) but hack, long as it's fun, doesn't matter what kind of setup is to be done. anyway i have always prefer more installation works, more challenging, that is if proper planning can be done before hand. haha~

however, i must admit, this isn't the way to spend the weekend, especially when there are assignment datelines coming up and the first paper is less than 3 weeks away! at least it takes away most of the lethargic that was within for the past month, maybe will just kick start the momentum to start studying! just maybe... (what ever the case, at least i can add some figures to bank dipping bank account. )

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